Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012


green tea

Green tea extract is the concentrated active ingredients extracted from green tea. The benefits of green tea extract stem from antioxidant action of nutrients called “ polyphones” because green tea is made from the unfermented leaves of the camellia sinensis plan, it has far more of these antioxidants than black tea,  which is fermented.
Antioxidant help prevent damage to the body that is a by-product of aging and metabolism. The health benefits of green tea extract have been known since ancient times. Green tea has been prescribed for centuries as part of ancient Chinese medicine. For years, western doctors have ignored the wealth of knowledge representedin traditional medicine,discounting it as “folklore” and “old wives tales”. Recent research has made western doctors think twice, though. A number of recent and on going studies strongly suggest that the health benefits of green tea extract are very real.
The polyphones in green tea extract are among the most powerful antioxidants known, and that is the cancer, heart disease, age related vision loss and many other diseases and condition that accompany aging.
·         The benefits of green tea extract can help prevent  atherosclerosis. Several population based studies comparing cultures that consume green tea in large acounts strongly suggest that green tea helps prevent heart disease.
·         Green tea extract have been shown to lower overall cholesterol while raising HDL- the good cholesterol in a number of animal and human controlled studies.
·         More benefits of green tea extract help prevent cancer. The cancer rates in countries like japan, where green tea is consumed regularly are consistenly lower than those in countries that don’t drink green tea. Research pinpoint the polyphones in green tea as an important weapon in the body’s fight against cancer.
·         Green tea extract helps prevent the development of diabetes and slow its progression once it has developed. Researchers in one study fed green tea extract to mice that were genetically engineered to develop diabetes. The mice that ate diets supplemented with green tea extract did not develop diabetes on schedule.
·         Catechin, the active ingredient in green tea etract, may help in the treatment of viral hepatitis. One study found that men who drank 10 or more of green tea are less likely to develop  disorders than men who don’t.
Because green tea contains caffeine, most nutritionists recommend using a green tea supplement, or a health supplement that includes extract of green tea along with other nutrients, vitamins and minerals that work together. The proper balance of vitamins, mineral, protein, amino acids and antioxidants work together synergistically, which each ingredient supporting and increasing the bioavailability and effectiveness of the others.

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